Welcome to Eclipse Phase

Today I’m going to go into a little more reason why you might want to be over there backing the Eclipse Phase 2E Kickstarter, if you haven’t yet. And why, if you have, you still might want to poke the folks you know to back it if they can.

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Welcome to Eclipse Phase

Why Play: Rift

So today I’m going to talk about the MMORPG Rift and why you, as a tabletop gamer, might want to consider playing it. For the curious, you can get it at this link; it’s free to play to level 65, which covers everything but the most recent expansion, and provides access to plenty of the reasons I’ll be talking about.

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Why Play: Rift

Adventures In Space

Today I want to talk about the three genres of adventure in space and compare them for the purposes of tabletop play. These are science fiction, which can itself be split into hard and soft forms; science fantasy, which the best known example of is Star Wars; and space opera, which regards science as a thing it used as a vague starting point before blending it with the kind of over-the-top antics you might expect from a pulp adventure novel.

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Adventures In Space

Apocalyptic Storytelling

Looking at the themes of games and stories on offer, there are a few that consistently crop up every so often. Among those, one that routinely crops up in video games is the idea of a post-apocalyptic world and the struggle to survive in it. Among tabletop games, it’s a less common theme, and it isn’t hard to understand why.

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Apocalyptic Storytelling