February Fiction

Today brings the February piece of fiction, made possible by those noble folks at my Ko-Fi and my Patreon! If you like it, please consider either tipping me a coffee or subscribing to my Patreon! Every little bit helps and every little bit is deeply appreciated!

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February Fiction

Starfinder: A Little Bit of Knowledge

So today I’m going to provide a little bit of useful information for people looking to run a Starfinder campaign, who want something a little more complex than “wizards and artificial gravity took care of all the problems” in locations.

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Starfinder: A Little Bit of Knowledge

Adventures In Space

Today I want to talk about the three genres of adventure in space and compare them for the purposes of tabletop play. These are science fiction, which can itself be split into hard and soft forms; science fantasy, which the best known example of is Star Wars; and space opera, which regards science as a thing it used as a vague starting point before blending it with the kind of over-the-top antics you might expect from a pulp adventure novel.

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Adventures In Space