Review: Into The Deep, Part X

Today the review continues! We’re in the Inner Sea, a baffling ocean hundreds of miles beneath the Earth’s crust, sustained by technology from a prior world that existed when the day was 26 hours long.

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Review: Into The Deep, Part X

Review: Into The Deep, Part VIII

Today, I’ll finally be picking up my review of Into The Deep again; thanks to those who’ve waited during the delay. I left off at the start of the Fallen Tower, which is pretty much the Dungeon of the Deeps.

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Review: Into The Deep, Part VIII

Review: Into The Deep, Part III

Continuing the review of Into The Deep for the Numenera system and setting today, we’ll be heading Out to Sea, where octopi dwell along with other, stranger beings. Given that octopi apparently responded to the return of humans to Earth for the Ninth World with, “Oh. It’s you again.” I don’t doubt that this should be interesting.

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Review: Into The Deep, Part III